National Championship 2014
During the period of November 16th until the 21st Curacao Table Tennis Federation has organized her championship to dispute the national titles in the different categories.

Our umpire Ulrich Hernandez excelling in Barbados
During the period of October 26th until November 1st, 2014 our local Ulrich Hernandez has participated as umpire in the ITTF World Cadet Challenge on Barbados.

Results of the Invitational Master Tournament in October 2014
With respect to the 30 year’s celebration of Sala Irene Moreno FTMK has organized e Invitational Master Tournament with participation of players from abroad as well. There were players from Holland, Mexico, Aruba en Bonaire.

New umpires for FTMK and new opportunities in 2014
Fundashon Tènis di Mesa Kòrsou (FTMK) is aware of the importance of restoring the Curaçao’s umpire team to its former international level. In June 2014, an ITTF official Moncho Ramon Ortega travelled to Curacao to give an umpire and referee course.

30 years jubilee of SFRIM
The Foundation Sala Rekreo Irene Moreno (FSRIM) is celebrating in October 2014 its 30 anniversary. The foundation has been established by the Curacao Table Tennis Federation (CTTF) to manage besides the table tennis hall the rest of the building complex as well.