Ulrich Hernandez has his IU Badge
Recently the Curaçao Table Tennis Federation received the joyful news that Mr. Ulrich Hernandez has passed successfully his IU Exam in Oslo Norway. Hernandez is only the 2nd IU of the Caribbean and the 14th among all Latin America.
Curaçao is back on track as Curacao had several IU’s in the past, whereby Curaçao’s umpires were always at the front step and gladly asked.
Forrige helg var 8 norske dommere på kurs for å bli godkjent som International Umpire (IU). Alle var inlosjert i flotte omgivelser på Olympiatoppen, which means that….
Last weekend, 8 Norwegian judges were on course to be approved as International Umpire (IU). Everyone was housed in a beautiful setting at the Olympiatoppen.